Imposter Syndrome and History: a student project

Gemma McLean-Carr is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh working on a project about smell, odour, and British perceptions of China and ‘Chinatowns’ (1842-1946). She studied for a BA in History at the University of Lincoln from 2019-2022 and went on to do an MSc in Contemporary History at the University of Edinburgh.Continue reading Imposter Syndrome and History: a student project

Reading in new ways: dealing with deteriorating vision

In this post, Professor Helen Lovatt, of the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Nottingham, shares a wonderful personal reflection on her evolving approach to reading and how a variety of technologies have helped (and sometimes hindered) her ability to engage with texts. We’ll be discussing some of these issues at ourContinue reading Reading in new ways: dealing with deteriorating vision

Academic Reading and Accessibility: Practices and pedagogies

In this blog post, Annabelle Mansell, one of our student researchers (and a third-year Classical Studies student at the University of Lincoln), shares what she learnt from analysing survey responses that addressed questions of accessibility. As we saw in the last blog post, students – and, to a lesser extent, staff – see accessibility asContinue reading Academic Reading and Accessibility: Practices and pedagogies

The advantages of online reading – academic and student perspectives

In this blog post, Samantha Sharman (2nd year Classical Studies student at the University of Lincoln and one of our student researchers) compares what staff and students thought were the advantages of online reading in our survey. The post forms a sort of pair with one about ‘challenges‘, published yesterday. Over the past few years,Continue reading The advantages of online reading – academic and student perspectives

Accessibility and online reading: a student perspective

In the next in the series of Active Online Reading posts from our student researchers, Lee Bowditch, second year undergraduate studying for a BSc in Business & Management Undergrad at Salford Business School, shares his thoughts on his own experiences of online reading at university. When I was asked to be a part of theContinue reading Accessibility and online reading: a student perspective