New blog post published: Assessing reading in the age of AI

I had a post published on the SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association – the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK) blog the other day. In it, I talked about some of my experiences of using online reading platforms as a means of assessing students engagement in the process of learning.Continue reading New blog post published: Assessing reading in the age of AI

More on digital reading: barriers and approaches (in Classics)

Just a quick note to announce the publication of a couple of things. First, the report on the workshop that Michael Wuk and I ran in May, Reading Classics Online, which was published on the Council of University Classics Departments Education blog. Second, I wrote a piece for Times Higher Education on the barriers thatContinue reading More on digital reading: barriers and approaches (in Classics)

Recent publication – Reading Online during Lockdown: Insights from History and Heritage

Matt East, Leah Warriner-Wood and myself have recently had a chapter published in the edited book Agile Learning Environments amid Disruption, edited by Golam Jamil and Dawn A Morley. In it, we reflect on the approach that was adopted to teaching students to read primary sources through annotation across three iterations of a research-led undergraduateContinue reading Recent publication – Reading Online during Lockdown: Insights from History and Heritage

New publication: Reading through the pandemic

Graham Barrett, Jon Fitzgibbons, Michele Vescovi and myself recently had an article published in the IMPact e-journal of Higher Education Research, which is published by the University of Lincoln. In it, we reflected on our experiences of teaching students digital reading (and other!) skills during the Covid-19 pandemic. You can read the full paper here:Continue reading New publication: Reading through the pandemic

Reading Classics online: staff and student perspectives

Last week, Samantha Sharman, Annabelle Mansell and Jamie Wood published a post on the QAA blog (“Reading Classics online: staff and student perspectives”) that explored student and staff perspectives on online reading in the discipline of Classics. Here’s a short extract on some of the challenges of online reading: Students and staff respondents in bothContinue reading Reading Classics online: staff and student perspectives