Student-authored training resources published

We’ve just published a number of student-produced Xerte objects on a variety of essay-writing skills at the following pages. Check them out – the students have done a great job! Proofreading your essay: Using apostrophes: Style guide for History at University of Lincoln (including bibliographies, footnotes, grammar and presentation):

E-Learning with MOOCs

As you all know the internet is a widely used tool for both teaching and learning. It is common for students to participate in online courses due to their ease and flexibility, however; recently one type has become increasingly popular, a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC). A MOOC is very similar to any other onlineContinue reading E-Learning with MOOCs

Making Digital History – an (accidental update)

Last week, after misreading an email from the excellent Terry McAndrew (@TerryTechdis) at the HEA/JISC, I accidentally produced a short interim report on the wrong project! In the spirit of not wasting what I’d written, it’s reproduced in part here: Basically, all of the formal teaching elements using Xerte are completed now. Some of theContinue reading Making Digital History – an (accidental update)

2 case studies submitted to the HEA’s Flexible pedagogies project

We’ve just submitted two case studies to the HEA’s Flexible pedagogies: preparing for the future project, which aims to identify “pedagogies that are going to empower student learning, offering increased choice, and above all, facilitate high quality provision.” We submitted one case study on the Making Digital History itself and another on the use of socialContinue reading 2 case studies submitted to the HEA’s Flexible pedagogies project

Talking Xerte at Lincoln

A few weeks ago we heard that we’d been successful in getting some project funding from the Centre for Educational Research and Development as part of their Fund for Educational Development. The project will involve sharing our experiences of using Xerte in History with colleagues at Lincoln. We’ll also be bringing in participants from elsewhere (Biological Sciences, Media, Psychology) inContinue reading Talking Xerte at Lincoln