Thanasoulas – What is Learner Autonomy?
Tags: learner autonomy, resources, cognitive strategies, learning
Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online
Tags: resources, Judith Boettcher, online courses, online learning, online teaching, best practice
Center for teaching and Learning – Syllabus Tutorial
Tags: syllabus, syllabus design, teaching, tutorial, resources
Meyer/Land – Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge:
Tags: resources, threshold Concepts, troublesome knowledge, report
Tags: syllabus, syllabus design, example, teaching, resources
Tags: syllabus, syllabus design, example, teaching, resources, internet course, online courses
Institute for the Advancement of University Learning, Paper 2: Student Approaches
Tags: resources, student approaches, learning, paper, learning approach
The University of Nottingham – Small group teaching
Collection of resources on teaching smaller groups
collection of resources
Collection of resources on syllabus design
Honey and Mumford — University of Leicester
Tags: Peter Honey, Alan Mumford, resources, learning styles, Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist, Reflector
Is Flipped Education Worth Flipping For? | K-12 Blueprint
Tags: flipped classroom, Nancy Caramanico, survey, resources
5 Tips to Help Teachers Who Struggle with Technology | Edutopia
Tags: blog, edutopia, Reading 2.0, Mary Beth Hertz, technology, reading, resources
Initial trends in enrolment and completion of massive open online courses – Open Research Online
Tags: Open University, online courses, Katy Jordan, MOOC, resources
Feminist Theory, Online Action, and Networked Learning | DMLcentral
Tags: MOOC, online courses, Blog, Howard Rheinglod, resources, Connected Learning, Digital Media, DOCC, technology, feminist theory
How to Build an Open Learning Course – The People of P2PU
Tags: OER, resources, open educational resources, slides, open learning course, Vanessa Genarelli
Free Technology for Teachers: Best of the Web 2014
Tags: resources, Richard Byrne, Best of the web, links, slides, technology, free technology
MOOC survey: Students of free online courses are educated, employed, and male.
Tags: MOOC, survey, Gayle Christensen, Brandon Alcorn, resources, online courses
What Is The Role Of Content In Flipped Classrooms? – Edudemic
Feeding Our Students’ Reading Interests with RSS | Edutopia
Tags: Blog, edutopia, Troy Hicks, RSS, reading, Reading 2.0, students, resources
honoria in ciberspazio – Students build their own questions for final exam
Tags: MOOC, online courses, Leo Havemann, Javiera Atenas, Blog, resources
Tags: Jamie Wood, resources, Social Bookmarking, Inquiry-Based Learning, Enquiry-based learning, questioning, survey, students, research skills, IBL, information literacy, digital literacy
Center for Teaching and Learning – Gathering Student Feedback
Center for Excellence & Innovation in Teaching – Getting Feedback from Students
Teaching Resources – Getting Feedback
Tags: feedback, student feedback, resources, methods, Brookfield
The Economics Network – Getting Feedback
Handbook for Economics Teaching Assistants
Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology – Classics Seminars
Collection of resources
Tags: resources, methods, teaching, learning, Higher Education
Tags: group, group dynamics, methods, IBL, Inquiry-Based Learning, resources
Tags: resources, activity, methods, differentiation strategy
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Making Digital History group favorite links are here.
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