Teaching about identity in the ancient world using YouTube
For more on this see the post I just made on the Changing Romans blog: GOTHS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Jamie
A blog about digital teaching and learning in History and related subjects
For more on this see the post I just made on the Changing Romans blog: GOTHS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Jamie
We’ve just submitted two case studies to the HEA’s Flexible pedagogies: preparing for the future project, which aims to identify “pedagogies that are going to empower student learning, offering increased choice, and above all, facilitate high quality provision.” We submitted one case study on the Making Digital History itself and another on the use of socialContinue reading 2 case studies submitted to the HEA’s Flexible pedagogies project
A few weeks ago we heard that we’d been successful in getting some project funding from the Centre for Educational Research and Development as part of their Fund for Educational Development. The project will involve sharing our experiences of using Xerte in History with colleagues at Lincoln. We’ll also be bringing in participants from elsewhere (Biological Sciences, Media, Psychology) inContinue reading Talking Xerte at Lincoln
A couple of weeks ago I attended the annual History UK plenary meeting at the Institute of Historical Research in London. Representatives from subscribing history departments in the UK were invited to attend. After the business meeting, there were two presentations about the relationship between the collection of data and the student experience in HistoryContinue reading History UK plenary meeting, London
Last week we hosted Dr Matthew Nicholls of the department of Classics at the University of Reading. He came to talk as part of our HEA-funded Making Digital History project to an audience of historians of all periods about digital modelling of the ancient Roman world, something he’s been working on for more than fiveContinue reading Digital Modelling of the Ancient Roman World