Supporting disabled students during Covid – a student-led research project

In the summer, I supported two students from the School of History and Heritage at the University of Lincoln, Joanne Copson and Heather Groves, to complete a research project on the impact of the pandemic on disabled students’ experiences, with a particular focus on online learning. They have written this blog post to summarise theirContinue reading Supporting disabled students during Covid – a student-led research project

Launching the Active Online Reading project

Last week saw the official launch of the Active Online Reading project, which is co-funded by the QAA and Talis as part of the former’s Collaborative Enhancement scheme. You can see a recording of the launch event here. The project will run until spring 2022 and will involve staff and students from a range ofContinue reading Launching the Active Online Reading project

An interview with Katherine Fennelly – Digital Mapping of the 18th and 19th-century British Landscape

Unfortunately, it’s taken me a while to get the second interview in this series written up. In any case, I’m very please to be able to share my discussions with Dr Katherine Fennelly, an historical archaeologist at the University of Sheffield, about her use of digital mapping technologies when teaching in the School of HistoryContinue reading An interview with Katherine Fennelly – Digital Mapping of the 18th and 19th-century British Landscape

An interview with Charles West – Using Wikipedia to Teach Medieval History and Digital Literacy

The Making Digital History project is particularly concerned with approaches to teaching history online that involve students in constructing things for themselves (including their own knowledge and understanding via more ‘traditional’ text-based approaches) in digital spaces and sharing the results of their endeavours beyond their tutors and peers. I thought it would be interesting toContinue reading An interview with Charles West – Using Wikipedia to Teach Medieval History and Digital Literacy

Pandemic Pedagogy – Beyond essays and exams: changing the rules of the assessment game

This post is part of History UK’s Pandemic Pedagogy project. For more about the initiative, follow HUK’s blog and Twitter feed. Assessment, carrots and sticks ‘Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals of education are being met.’ (Edutopia, 2008) The centrality of assessment to learning in higherContinue reading Pandemic Pedagogy – Beyond essays and exams: changing the rules of the assessment game