‘Reading’ History at University – what does the Subject Benchmark Statement say?

It’s maybe a bit outdated to talk about ‘reading’ subjects at University these days, but there’s no doubt that History is a reading-intensive discipline. Relatively low direct contact hours, the fundamental role of independent, self-directed working, and the expectation (realistic or not) that full-time students treat their studies as the equivalent of a full-time job,Continue reading ‘Reading’ History at University – what does the Subject Benchmark Statement say?

Sharing pedagogic resources on (online) reading

As part of the Active Online Reading project, we will be collating and sharing pedagogic resources focused on supporting students in developing reading skills. Although the AOR project focuses on online reading, we want to share resources the are relevant to reading offline too! Dr Lucinda Matthews-Jones, Reader in History at Liverpool John Moores UniversityContinue reading Sharing pedagogic resources on (online) reading

Reflecting on Reading at University: a student perspective

Samantha Sharman is one of the student researchers on our project. She is in the second year of a Classical Studies degree at the University of Lincoln. She’s written this blog post reflecting on her experiences of reading at university. Each of the members of the team (https://makingdigitalhistory.co.uk/read/active-online-reading/project-team/) will be doing the same, so thanksContinue reading Reflecting on Reading at University: a student perspective

Developing students’ abilities to read primary sources using online tools

How can digital reading tools enable students to develop their ability to read sources collaboratively and critically? In the summer, I published a post on the University of Lincoln Digital education blog about my use of Talis Elevate on a third year module to support student engagement with primary source readings online. I’ve been developing theContinue reading Developing students’ abilities to read primary sources using online tools

The problem we face with digital reading

Matt East (@mdleast) has just published an excellent blog with SEDA reporting a recent workshop on transitions in HE at which he led a problem-solving (and identifying) session on reading in HE. Here is an extract from the conclusion, which summarises some of the key findings from this workshop, which will inform our work onContinue reading The problem we face with digital reading