
Twittering Students – Using Twitter in Teaching Literature

I have been experimenting with using Twitter in my teaching this term at the University of Lincoln, on two separate American studies modules, level one and two respectively. The way this worked was relatively straightforward: I set up individual Twitter accounts for each module and requested that students follow the module account on their alreadyContinue reading Twittering Students – Using Twitter in Teaching Literature

Making Digital History publications from Lincoln

Over the past few months we have published two articles in edited collections on the digital history teaching that we’ve been doing at Lincoln over the past couple of years: Making Medieval History digitally at the University of Lincoln (J. Wood and A. Liuzzo Scorpo), in L. Thomas, ed., Compendium of effective practice in directed independentContinue reading Making Digital History publications from Lincoln

Making Digital History update

Here are two pieces of MDH news… The Making Digital History project has been recognised in the University of Lincoln’s Staff and Merit Awards scheme with a team award for ‘Digital History Makers’. You can see our citation here: The project and the Xerte objects that we’ve made were also mentioned in a JISC TechContinue reading Making Digital History update

Student-authored training resources published

We’ve just published a number of student-produced Xerte objects on a variety of essay-writing skills at the following pages. Check them out – the students have done a great job! Proofreading your essay: Using apostrophes: Style guide for History at University of Lincoln (including bibliographies, footnotes, grammar and presentation):

Philosophies of History at University of Leeds

We’re pleased to circulate the following announcement of a series of informal seminars at on the philosophy of history at the University of Leeds. The programme for the year is available here.